HOUSE OF ROT - a novella by Danger Slater (eBook only)
HOUSE OF ROT - a novella by Danger Slater (eBook only)
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The pink mold growing on the walls isn’t the worst thing about Elenya and Myles’ brand new fixer upper.
There’s also the inexplicable footsteps in the night; the sealed-over windows and doors; the neighbor that hears their screams but can’t be bothered to help.
Soon, there’s no leaving at all. No hope of cleaning. And that encroaching mold? It’s practically become a second skin.
Welcome to the House of Rot. You’re never getting out.
Cover art by Kate Blairstone.
Interior illustrations by Echo Echo.
"HOUSE OF ROT is the gross, hilarious love child of Kurt Vonnegut and Junji Ito!"
- Max Booth III, author of We Need to Do Something and Maggots Screaming!
“A poignant and revolting masterpiece of fungal horror that captures the millennial condition with heartbreaking precision. HOUSE OF ROT is a phenomenal read.”
- Eve Harms, author of Transmuted
About the Author:
Danger Slater is the Wonderland Award winning writer of I Will Rot Without You, Moonfellows, He Digs a Hole, and other books too. He has a mustache. Or maybe he shaved it by now. Or maybe he is already dead. I don’t know when you’re reading this.